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Navigating School Options During COVID-19 Pandemic


We are in the early stages of reopening the economy in the United States and that has left most people feeling uncertain about so many “normal” things in life, like work and school.  With people returning to work both outside the home or working from home, childcare needs are shifting and most families with school-aged children are wondering – Will the kids go back to school?  Will they be able to go back in the fall or should we be looking into other education options?  Will I have to homeschool for more than a couple of months and, if so, can I manage to effectively teach my children what they need to know while working and managing other responsibilities?  Should I join a homeschool co-op or look into a private educator?

Just recently, the CDC released new considerations for schools and childcare/daycare facilities to use in accordance and conjunction with their local state guidelines and requirements.  Though, during the quarantine, daycare centers and some preschools have remained opened to ensure that essential workers have the childcare they need so that they can work, out schools have closed and have yet to announce when the first day of school will be in the fall.  

The new guidelines offer very detailed instructions for optimal safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic, as Today explains, “These (CDC suggestions) include detailed recommendations for hygiene and face coverings, cleaning and disinfecting, classroom layouts and lunchtime procedures, and class and bus schedules. It’s not a simple checklist. The CDC states each school ‘should be guided by what is feasible, practical, acceptable, and tailored to the needs of each community’…the CDC advises that staff and students should wear masks ‘as feasible,’ especially when physical distancing is hard to do. It says that children younger than 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or anyone who would be unable to remove the face covering without help should not wear them…The CDC recommendations are necessary to save lives, Dr. Céline Gounder told TODAY Parents…’

We have to get used to thea fact that we’re looking at a new normal for the next year or so,’ said Gounder. ‘If we want to minimize the damage to our economy and social lives during that new normal, it will mean having to make some compromises.’”  Of course, with social media, many of the recommendations are being misconstrued as concrete rules, which they are not – they are guidelines.  But, understandably, many of the new stringent guidelines also have some concern over how they can be realistically incorporated.

In Arizona, Governor Ducey has said he remains optimistic that schools will be able to open this fall but,  as we have seen, many things remain unpredictable.  Whether you work in the home, outside of the home, have children that return to school or do not – one thing is common among many families during these busy times, help is much needed. 

At The Nanny Joynt, we are always here for families with the support they need.  We have qualified nannies that can work with you on a short-term or long-term basis.  Whether you need 1 month or want to start a long-term relationship with a nanny/educator, we can find the ideal nanny to meet your needs.  Further, many parents are worried that their children will fall behind in school with homeschooling (for which many of us are either not able to do due to work obligations, preference, or ability) or online schooling. 

We have many experienced private educators and tutors that can help ensure that your children remain on-track for their educational level.  At The Nanny Joynt, we are here for you during these uncertain times and are here to support you and your family for all of your childcare or education needs.

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